
Intolerance is a negative reaction of the body to certain foods or substances contained in them. These reactions can range from mild symptoms such as stomach discomfort or skin rashes to severe allergic reactions such as asthma or anaphylaxis.

There are different types of intolerances, including food intolerances and food allergies. A food intolerance is a negative reaction to a food that is not caused by the immune system. It can be caused by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract or by other factors.

A food allergy, on the other hand, is an overreaction of the immune system to certain proteins in food. It can lead to severe allergic reactions and usually requires a strict diet to avoid coming into contact with the allergenic food.

Identify intolerances and allergies through testing

To determine if you have an intolerance or allergy, it may be necessary to see a doctor or allergist and have tests done. It is important to take intolerances seriously and follow the measures recommended by a doctor to avoid possible health problems.

Incompatibilities that occur most frequently

Intolerances: What you should know 5

There are different types of intolerances and allergies that can be caused by different factors. Some of the most common types of intolerances and allergies are:

1- Food intolerances: These are negative reactions to certain foods that are not caused by the immune system. Examples of food intolerances are lactose intolerance (intolerance to milk sugar) and fructose intolerance (intolerance to fruit sugar).

2-Food allergies: These are overreactions of the immune system to certain proteins in food. Food allergies can lead to severe allergic reactions such as asthma, anaphylaxis and skin rashes. Examples of food allergies are allergies to nuts, milk, eggs and gluten.

3-Medication intolerances: These are negative reactions to certain medicines that are not caused by the immune system. Drug intolerances can range from mild symptoms like stomach upset to severe side effects like breathing problems.

4-Drug allergies: These are overreactions of the immune system to certain medicines. Drug allergies can lead to severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis and shock.

5-Insect sting allergies: These are overreactions of the immune system to insect bites. Insect sting allergies can lead to severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis and shock.

6- Latex allergies: These are overreactions of the immune system to latex, which is often used in gloves and other medical products. Latex allergies can lead to skin rashes and breathing difficulties.

It is important to take intolerances and allergies seriously and follow the measures recommended by a doctor to avoid potential health problems. Some foods are more commonly associated with intolerances than others.

These foods most often lead to intolerances

Intolerances: What you should know 6

The most common foods that can lead to intolerances are:

  1. 1-Milk: The most common intolerance is lactose intolerance, which is caused by a deficiency of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) in the small intestine. People with lactose intolerance may have stomach discomfort, bloating and diarrhoea when they consume dairy products.
  2. 2- Gluten: Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. People with coeliac disease, an autoimmune disorder, react to gluten and may have stomach discomfort, fatigue and weight loss if they consume gluten.
  3. 3- Nuts: Nuts are a common cause of food allergies and can lead to severe allergic reactions such as asthma, anaphylaxis and skin rashes.
  4. 4- Eggs: Eggs are another common cause of food allergies and can lead to skin rashes, breathing difficulties and anaphylaxis.
  5. 5- Fish and shellfish: Fish and shellfish are often associated with intolerances and can cause stomach upsets, skin rashes and breathing difficulties.
  6. It is important to take intolerances and allergies seriously and to follow the measures recommended by a doctor to avoid possible health problems.

This is what you must bear in mind when taking food supplements

If people with intolerances need to take food supplements, they should keep a few important things in mind:

  1. 1-Consult your doctor: Before taking any food supplements, you should always consult your doctor to make sure they are safe and suitable for you. Your doctor can also tell you if you should avoid certain supplements if you have an intolerance.
  2. 2- Watch out for possible allergenic ingredients: Some food supplements contain allergenic ingredients such as nuts, gluten or dairy products, which can be problematic for people with intolerances or allergies. Therefore, make sure that you choose food supplements that are free from substances that may trigger allergic reactions.
  3. 3- Read the labels carefully: Make sure you read the labels carefully and understand all the ingredients before taking supplements. This way you can ensure that you are not ingesting any ingredients that may trigger your intolerance or allergy.
  4. 4-Talk to your doctor about possible interactions: Some food supplements may interact with certain medicines. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor to make sure that the food supplements you are taking can be safely combined with your other medicines.

VITA1 Consumers of food supplements

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It is important that people with intolerances carefully consider which supplements they take and always follow their doctor's instructions to avoid potential health problems.

As feelgood24 we offer under the brand VITA1 Food supplements that are lactose-free, gluten-free and soy-free. In addition, they do not contain any pulses, but also no alcohol and undesirable additives.

No matter whether Vitamin D3 Capsules, Hyaluronic acid capsules or Griffonia 5-HTP CapsulesThese food supplements offer the best quality in many respects.