what to do for joint pain

What to do for joint pain?

Joint pain is a fairly common malady. Especially in our digital age, many people are plagued by joint pain. No wonder that many people ask such questions in a Google search: "What to do for joint pain", "Joint pain what to do?", "Joint pain what helps?", "Joint pain what to eat?", "Joint pain what vitamins?" etc.

What to do about joint pain, what really helps?

Joint diseases arise from various causes. It is therefore important to know what the cause is. Only then can you find out what really helps. This pain is caused, for example, by injuries or joint overloads, but also by joint wear and tear. On the other hand, there are joint diseases that are caused by inflammation.

In the case of acute joint inflammation, it is advisable to relieve the pain with cold or heat. For such inflammations, cold is generally used for relief. You simply have to find out which is more comfortable for you. If the pain is chronic, it is advisable to apply heat.

Joint pain what can I do?

what to do for joint pain
What to do for joint pain?

Of course, we can't say that pain relief will always help. If you suffer from joint pain that does not go away, you should always visit your doctor to find out if there is a serious disease behind it. If it is rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent the serious long-term consequences.

The diagnosis shows what you have to do for such pain. It depends on the cause. If it is an acute joint condition that arose up to 24 hours ago, medication that the doctor prescribes can help. For chronic joint pain, you often need a multimodal pain therapy with several treatments combined with each other.

Sometimes, however, joint operations are necessary to prevent pain, but above all to achieve a healthy musculoskeletal system. These include knee joint replacement, hip joint replacement, reconstruction of an injured joint, etc.

Joint pain what to eat?

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What to do for joint pain?

If you eat right, you can help prevent joint disease and recover from existing pain. Foods that have anti-inflammatory effects and provide your joints with important nutrients such as calcium and vitamin C include turmeric, broccoli, olive oil, kefir and yoghurt and oranges.

Many people with intolerances opt for food supplements. At feelgood24 you will find high quality food supplements from VITA1 and ZeinPharma.

Do you have any other questions besides "What to do about joint pain?" or would you like to know about safe food supplements to feel healthy? Then click here: https://fuehldichwohl24.de/fuehldichgesund/

Would you like to have all-round harmless food supplements to feel relaxed? Then click here:


You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel fit? Then click here:


As feelgood24 we offer you food supplements manufactured in Germany and tested in laboratories, and we don't just focus on the need for additive-free food supplements.

We also take into account people for whom some ingredients may be critical and produce numerous lactose-free, soy-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, palm oil-free and alcohol-free food supplements.

If you need nutritional supplements or vitamin preparations, you should definitely not assume that all nutritional supplements are free of additives and colourings. Not all supplement manufacturers position themselves for certain groups who, for example, eat a vegan or vegetarian diet or consider a diet without artificial additives to be very important.

Food supplements are a form of delivery for people who pay special attention to their health and are therefore careful with their diet. For this reason, they naturally expect the food supplements they take to be completely harmless.

Visit our online shop and see the wide range of top-quality products that we offer as fühldichwohl24. We rely on two brands that are very popular on the market. Thanks to VITA1 and ZeinPharma, you have a large assortment and no wish remains unfulfilled. From vitamin C capsules to vitamin D capsules, you will find high-quality and sensible food supplements in top quality.


The skin: our largest organ needs special protection

Our skin is our largest organ and fulfils many tasks. As the most important protection of our body, it demarcates the organism from the outside world, defends it against harmful influences such as extreme cold or heat, sunlight and pathogens. This organ also regulates the body temperature and protects it from dehydration.

Besides its barrier function against wind, dirt, dust, UV radiation, pressure or germs, our skin serves as an important excretory organ. In our dermis there are sweat glands that produce sweat. When we sweat, we excrete toxins through our skin and this is an important relief for our kidneys.

Largest human organ with several tasks

All the protection through our skin does not happen without our knowledge. Our body receives sensory impressions through this organ and we feel pain, pressure, heat, cold or the cooling effect of sweating. On the other hand, it determines our appearance.

We therefore recognise the first signs of ageing through our skin. It becomes thinner with age, the pores enlarge and the elasticity is lost. Therefore, skin health deserves special support through various measures.

Find out your skin type!

Everyone wants to have elastic, resistant, smooth and even skin with a fresh and rosy complexion and fine pores. The first step to healthy skin is to know what type of skin we have. We divide this organ into four types: Normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. To find out your skin type, you should consult either the dermatologist, pharmacies or beauticians.

Cleanse your skin!

If you have a normal and balanced skin type, you do not need to buy expensive products to wash your face. Use a mild cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water and pat dry. If your skin is dry or oily, try a different cleanser.

For dry skin, use a mild cleanser that does not contain alcohol or fragrance. Rinse gently with plenty of lukewarm water, do not use soap and avoid hot water. Once a week, treat yourself to a suitable exfoliating scrub for dry skin to remove exfoliated skin cells. This will make your skin look even more vibrant.

Make sure your skin is moist!


Even if your skin is oily, it needs to be moisturised. Therefore, use a special moisturiser for your skin every day, regardless of your skin type. Choose non-comedogenic water-based moisturisers.

If your skin is oily and prone to acne, prefer extra light moisturisers without oil. To make the moisturiser work better, apply it immediately after washing your skin.

Use sunscreen!

Remember that the sun can damage this organ in just 15 minutes. Although most moisturisers contain sunscreen, it is essential to use sunscreen, especially in summer. Be sure to apply sunscreen and reapply every three hours, even if the sky is overcast.

Wash your face carefully!

organ skin

If you wash your face too much during the day, you will dry it out. Wash your face with lukewarm water in the morning. Use a soft towel to dry it and do not rub your face while drying. At night, you can wash your face with a cleanser or mild soap suitable for your skin to remove the dirt and make-up.

Watch your diet and your sleep!


Careful nutrition and sufficient Sleep are two important factors for healthy skin.
Keep your skin healthy by eating smart. Enjoy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, as well as low-fat proteins through fish, chicken, beans and eggs. Also take valuable dietary supplements such as Carnosine, Zinc and Collagen can help protect against skin ageing.

Avoid foods high in cholesterol, fat, salt and sugar to protect this vital organ. Make sure you drink plenty of water. A good night's sleep is also very important for healthy skin. If you don't want dull skin with dark circles under your eyes, sleep regularly and well. For supple skin, you should also stay away from smoking and stressful life.


L-tryptophan for healthy sleep

L-tryptophan for healthy sleep

Sleep is just as vital for us humans as breathing and digestion. This indispensable bodily function serves physical and mental recuperation, regeneration and the saving of energy. Without healthy sleep, we cannot cope with the demands of a new day.

So when we sleep, we are not wasting time at all. Moreover, sleep is not a state characterised by absolute rest. Even if our blood pressure drops during sleep, our breathing slows down and our body temperature drops, our brain is still active, processing what we have experienced and storing what we have learned in our memory.

It is therefore of great importance that this bodily function runs normally. For healthy sleep, we need several nutrients, including L-tryptophanan amino acid found in many foods and dietary supplements. It is found in foods with a high protein content. Milk and dairy products, fish, meat, potatoes, walnuts and tomatoes are foods in which this amino acid is found.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that can be converted into several important molecules. These molecules are also used to make the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin, which take over many functions in the body, including sleep, mood and behaviour.

Serotonin and melatonin: Two hormones against sleep disorders


Serotonin ensures a positive mood, has a calming effect and promotes our well-being. Stimulating memory is also one of the important tasks of this important hormone. Symptoms of deficiency are aggressiveness, anxiety and bad mood.

If our body lacks serotonin, it cannot be converted to melatonin in the evening. However, we need this sleep hormone to control our body's day-night rhythm and prepare us for sleep.

Healthy food or natural supplements for healthy sleep

An unhealthy diet with little L-tryptophan or other factors such as stress can cause us to have low mood and low sleep quality. If we do not get a good night's rest, we cannot prepare for the next day and a constant poor sense of well-being is often the important cause of depression.

Sleep disturbances, reduced memory, mental detuning, feelings of meaninglessness are the consequences of depression. Therefore, the intake of L-tryptophan through food or natural supplements not to be neglected, especially when you have a stressful life to lead.

L-tryptophan from VITA1

l tryptophan

As feelgood24 we offer you nutritional supplements produced in Germany and tested by laboratories. We don't just focus on the need for top quality, additive-free food supplements. We also take into account people for whom some ingredients can be critical and produce numerous lactose-free, soy-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, palm oil-free and alcohol-free food supplements. This also applies to our L-tryptophan capsules.

If you need nutritional supplements or vitamin preparations such as L-tryptophan, you should definitely not assume that all nutritional supplements are free of additives and colourings. Not all dietary supplement manufacturers position themselves for certain groups who, for example, eat a vegan or vegetarian diet or consider a diet without artificial additives to be very important.

Food supplements are a form of delivery for people who pay special attention to their health and are therefore careful with their diet. For this reason, they naturally expect the food supplements they take to be completely harmless.

Visit our online shop now and see the wide range of top-quality products that we offer you as fühldichwohl24. We rely on two brands that are very popular on the market. Thanks to VITA1 and ZeinPharma you have a large assortment and no wish remains unfulfilled. From L-tryptophan capsules to vitamin D capsules, you will find high-quality and sensible food supplements in top quality.


As fuehldichwohl24 we offer food supplements that are suitable for vegans and vegetarians. People with intolerances or allergies can also find food supplements that they can take with confidence. Even people who consciously abstain from alcohol or genetic engineering will find the right food supplement for safe intake with us.

You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel healthy? Then click here:


You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel relaxed? Then click here:


You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel fit? Then click here:


omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids and their effect on your health

Almost everyone who tries to lead a healthier lifestyle today has heard of omega-3 fatty acids. What you have heard is true: these unsaturated fatty acids are vital for our organism and we therefore also call them essential fatty acids.

Especially our brain, heart and eyes depend on these fatty acids. The supply of these fatty acids also requires great care because we have to take them in through our food. Our body cannot produce this vital substance itself.

We distinguish between three important types of omega-3 fatty acids that play a central role in the metabolism of the human organism: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

EPA and DHA are the so-called marine omega-3 fatty acids, which are mainly found in fatty marine products such as salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, trout and mackerel, crustaceans and algae. ALA, on the other hand, is found in plant foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, chia seeds and flax seeds.

All omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats. However, EPA and DHA from fish oil are the best studied. Research shows that these two types of omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial. Below are some examples of how omega-3 fatty acids can benefit your health.

Valuable vital substance for normal heart and brain function and vision

omega-3 fatty acids

A heart-healthy diet is rich in EPA and DHA. An adequate supply of EPA and DHA contributes to normal heart function. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), you should consume at least 250 mg of EPA and DHA daily for a positive effect. Those who consume the same amount of EPA daily also contribute to normal brain function and vision.

A daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA and EPA by the mother also has a positive effect on the normal development of the eyes and brain of foetuses and infants. However, mothers should take into account during their pregnancy that their DHA supply will decrease if their DHA is transferred from her to their baby.

The infant's intake of DHA is also of great importance. If infants up to the age of 12 months take at least 100 mg of DHA daily via follow-on formula, we can talk about normal development of vision.

Omega-3 fatty acids as a natural food supplement

omega 3

An adult person needs 2,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily to compensate for a deficiency of this vital substance. This is what several scientific studies show us today. You can take in the daily requirement through food or through natural food supplements.

For example, you can find Omega-3 preparations such as Omega-3 Gold - Cardio Edition (1000mg) for normal heart function, Omega-3 Gold - Brain Edition - Premium Sea Fish Oil Capsules (1000 mg) for normal brain function, Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules (1000 mg) and
Green-lipped mussel (500 mg).

In addition to these nutritional supplements from ZeinPharma, we offer you as a feelgood24 also omega-3 fish oil capsules from VITA1. These are high quality food supplements free from chemicals, unwanted additives, lactase, soy, palm and alcohol.


Becoming a vegetarian or vegan: Challenge or opportunity?

The number of people who give up meat or all animal foods for a variety of reasons is steadily increasing. This change in thinking is particularly noticeable in Germany. Around 8 million people in this country do not eat meat and more than one million Germans abstain from any animal products as vegans.

Statistics from the IfD Allensbach show clear figures with an upward trend: last year we had 1.3 million more vegetarians than in 2016 and this corresponds to an increase of around 23 percent. Among vegans, we observe a strong increase with about 300. 000 people. That means an increase of more than 40 percent.

Vegetarian and vegan diets are healthier

Vegetarians and vegans usually justify these diets with ethical or ideological reasons. However, many people also have to eat for health reasons. So the reasons are quite understandable and we know that this group of people have fewer diseases. Especially obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and heart attacks are less common among people who eat a plant-based diet.

On the other hand, such a decision requires a very careful diet, which can make life difficult. Especially vegans do not find it easy to prepare every meal without additives in the age of mass production. Another difficulty is the danger of deficiency symptoms due to undersupply of vitamins, trace elements that are only present in animal foods.

Critical nutrients for vegetarians and vegans

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We know that not only vegetarians and vegans, but also children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and senior citizens can easily suffer from the consequences of missing vitamins like B2, B12 and D. Calcium, zinc, iron and iodine are also among the critical nutrients for vegetarians and vegans.

Above all, a lack of Vitamin B12 is widespread in Germany. One in ten people in this country has too little in their blood Vitamin B12 and in seniors, this deficiency symptom occurs much more frequently. Anaemia, fatigue and nervous disorders are most of the consequences of a deficiency of Vitamin B12.

Vegan food supplementation as an optimal solution against deficiency symptoms

To avoid these deficiency symptoms, vegans and vegetarians in particular should have their B12 status regularly determined by a laboratory test. In the case of a deficiency symptom, a natural food supplement in the right dose can be considered.

As Feel good24 we offer you German-made and laboratory-tested food supplements that are ideal for vegans and vegetarians. Visit our website, discover the brand world of VITA1 and ZeinPharma and see for yourself!


Healthy nutrition without undesirable additives

Healthy nutrition without undesirable additives

Avoiding unwanted additives is one of the biggest challenges today for people who value healthy eating. In our hectic lives, it is not easy to avoid industrially produced foods that we can buy quickly and more cheaply.

Choosing unprocessed natural food requires a lot of money or iron determination for many people. Working life and remuneration policies often do not allow people the freedom to bake their own bread or make their own yoghurt and cheese, and food with additives becomes unavoidable for many.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to do everything in your power to stand up for a diet free of additives. It is definitely worth taking a careful look at the list of contents on the back of the packaging. After a while, you will get an overview of the foods that you can buy without hesitation and only need to be careful with new food products.

It is definitely worth the effort if you cannot tolerate additives, especially in staple foods such as bread, cheese or sausage, which have a purpose other than to make you feel good and nourished. On the contrary, they serve to change the taste, extend the shelf life or prevent changes during production.

Shopping for food without additives such as emulsifiers, flavours or fatty acids also makes you a supporter of food producers who offer natural alternatives for you and do without all preservatives, flavours, colourings or flavour enhancers.

Food supplement without undesirable additives and critical nutrients


The same principle actually applies to food supplements. Food supplements are a form of delivery for people who pay special attention to their health and are therefore careful with their diet. For this reason, they naturally expect the food supplements they take to be free of all additives.

If you need nutritional supplements or vitamin supplements, you should definitely not assume that all supplements are free of additives. Not all dietary supplement manufacturers position themselves for specific groups, for example vegan diet or consider a diet without additives to be very important.

As feelgood24 we offer you laboratory-tested food supplements made in Germany by VITA1 and ZeinPharma, and in doing so we don't just focus on the need for additive-free supplements. We also take into account people for whom some ingredients may be critical and produce numerous lactose-free, soy-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, palm oil-free and alcohol-free food supplements.

Sensible food supplement from VITA1

For vegans VITA 1 valuable food supplements are available that are gluten-free, alcohol-free, soy-free, GMO-free and contain no preservatives or colourings.

You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel healthy? Then click here:


You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel relaxed? Then click here:


You want all-round harmless food supplements to feel fit? Then click here:




Vitamin D Our multi-talented sun vitamin

Vitamin D: Our multi-talented sun vitamin

Vitamin D: Our multi-talented sun vitamin

Too little vitamin D in the blood is dangerous. Especially in winter, many people have an undersupply of the so-called sun vitamin and this makes careful prevention necessary. Anyone who has a vitamin D deficiency for several months can expect several consequences that can endanger their health enormously.

Vitamin D deficiency is a threat especially to the immune system, bones and muscle. A weak immune system means susceptibility to infections, high risk of illness and poorly healing diseases. Depressiveness and mood swings can also be a consequence of vitamin D deficiency.

A threat to the bones and muscle can result in diseases such as bone pain, decrease in bone fractures and poorly healing fractures. Infants, children and the elderly are particularly at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vegans also need to make sure they are getting enough of the sunshine vitamin, as this vitamin is predominantly found in animal foods.

Correct dosage is the be-all and end-all of supplementation

The right dosage plays a major role in vitamin D supply. This is why you should have a blood test, especially in the winter months, so that you know what your vitamin D level is and which dosage suits you best. An overdose can cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and even kidney problems.

If necessary, avoid deficiency symptoms with vitamin D capsules

Achieving the right dosage is not that difficult. Thanks to vitamin D supplementation, you can meet the targeted need. The best-known form of sun vitamin is vitamin D3, which is more stable than vitamin D2 and more sensitive to heat and humidity.
At feelgood24 you will find Vitamin D3 Capsules, Vitamin D3 Softgel Capsules, Vitamin D3 Drops from VITA1 and ZeinPharma in various strengths.
See your doctor today, get your blood levels checked and find out your vitamin D levels to actively support your immune system and your bone and muscle system on the road to health.




Malnutrition as a global phenomenon

Malnutrition as a global phenomenon

We live in a time when it has become more imperative that everyone works to support their natural immunity and overall health and well-being in every way possible. Lack of exercise, less sunlight, stress, whole new confusing worries are beyond our capacity and are often inevitable enemies of our immune system.

Balance and harmony! This is what we need for a well-functioning immune system and healthy nutrition through natural foods plays an immense role in this. Our hectic lives unfortunately lead us into fast and junk food. Even health-conscious people no longer know how to help themselves due to factors beyond their control.

It is even more terrible that many people consider malnutrition to be a Third World phenomenon. On the contrary, it is a phenomenon that we also have in this country, although as an affluent society we should actually be on the side of the lucky ones. This malnutrition, which by the way is also fatal, is not due to a lack of equal opportunities, but to the content of the food ingredients. 

We are full but not nourished because overgrazing, overagriculture and environmental degradation take away essential nutrients from the soil and reduce the nutritional value of food. On the other hand, we are dealing with nutrient loss through food processing and preservation. Loss of nutritional value due to preservatives, artificial flavours, sweeteners or plasticisers is a global problem today that we cannot look away from.

Combat malnutrition with natural food supplements

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Meanwhile, our immune system faces permanent challenges and many people have to learn after a blood test that they suffer from vitamin D deficiency, inflammation or infections. Modern man unfortunately also has no time for fitter recipes that make the immune system fit by giving the body the necessary strength.

To strengthen our resistance, we can take food supplements in the right dosage. There are many supplements that can help you build natural defences. It is best to ask your doctor if you have a specific need for supplements. If the answer is yes, you can use them in a targeted way.

Food supplements are not medicines. However, you can compensate for malnutrition with food supplements. It is of great importance that you choose food supplements that are suitable for vegans and vegetarians, do not contain GMOs, preservatives, artificial colours and flavours.

At feelgood24 you will find high quality and natural food supplements from VITA1 and ZeinPharma, which are expertly manufactured in Germany according to European standards. They are also lactose-free, gluten-free and our products are not tested on animals in any way.